We produce the premium quality modular sandwich panel containers
Living spaces, offices, commercial facilities and custom orders
Complete Solutions
✔ Various sizes and equipment
✔ Customization of containers at the customer's request
✔ We ensure delivery and assembly throughout the country
High Production Capacity
✔ Professional team
✔ Quick solutions
✔ Reliable
The Most Robust Structure
✔ We produce 100% of all the metal structural elements of our containers.
✔ Our metal structure has the highest level of durability.
✔ Guaranteed waterproofing.
✔ High thermal insulation.
Full Customization
Living space office or warehouse. It can be customized in multiple shapes and variants, to look exactly the way you want.
Container Structure
The metal structure consists of the lower frame, upper frame and pillars. The joining of the frames with the pillars is done by welding next to the ISO corner pieces.
The frames are made of longitudinal and transverse beams, with the effective section made of galvanized sheet metal, 3 mm thick.
The corner pieces are made of thick sheet metal with thicknesses between 4-10mm. They are dimensioned according to ISO standards.
The anti-corrosion protection of the metal structure is achieved by priming and painting.
The payload at floor level is 250 kg/m2
Stratificaţia Podelei
Tablă zincată dublu fălţuită, grosime 0.5 mm
Folie anticondens
Vată minerală norma C1, 100 mm grosime
Pal hidrofugat cu grosime 25 mm
Covor PVC 3mm termosudabil pentru trafic intens. Sudat cu şnur la culoare, lipit cu adeziv de pal, plintă marginală flexibilă din pvc lipită cu adeziv pe pereţi şi duşumea.
Pereţi de Închidere
Panou sandwich cu grosimea 60 mm
Suprafaţa exterioară a panoului: tablă profilată cu grosimea 0.5mm, culoare RAL9002
Suprafaţa interioară a panoului: tablă profilată cu grosimea 0.5mm, culoare RAL9002
Izolaţia: spumă poliuretanică (pur)
Izolarea termică: u=0.68w/m2k (conform en ISO 6946)
Stratificaţia Acoperişului
Tablă zincată dublu fălţuită, grosime 0.5 mm
Folie anticondens
Vată minerală norma C1, 100 mm grosime
Pal melaminat alb, grosime 16 mm
Instalaţia Electrică
Tensiune alimentare 380 V/ 220, 50 Hz
2 Prize exterioare cu 5 pini, cu împământare, normă europeană, racorduri electrice exterioare, ingropate, prevăzute cu prize 2p+n+fip 55/32a
Agrafă exterioară pentru impământare
Panou de distribuţie dotat cu siguranţe automate (10a, 16a, diferenţial 32a)
1 Priză dublă pt SCHUKO
1 Priză simplă pt SCHUKO destinată alimentării convectorului
1 Intrerupător SCHUKO
2 Corpuri de iluminat cu tuburi neon 2x36w ip55
Door and Window
1 Uşă exterioară metalică; dimensiuni 900x2050mm, cu placaj metalic, termoizolată, cu toc metalic, grosime foaie de uşă 40mm.
1 Fereastră din tâmplărie PVC albă; cu geam termopan, dimensiuni 800x1100mm, culoare alba, sticlă izolantă, deschidere oscilobatantă.
"Production According to Preferences"
Production in different sizes and optional equipment
How Does the Procedure Work?
The first step is to tell us about your customization plan, to allow us to understand exactly what you need.
After we understand your dream, we give you the best offer.
After you approve the offer, we sign our contract.
As the final step; make the advance payment and leave the rest to us to make your dream come true.
Click now to request a quote!
Our Works
ZEN has been operating in the market since 2006
We offer high quality shipping containers and services
We first understand our customer's needs and then create solutions